GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (GTC) FOR OWNERS AND EMPLOYEES OF COMPANIES FOR THE USE OF THE MEMBER AREA SMART 2BB MARKET (SMARKT) Dear SMARKT member, When creating an account, you agreed to the data protection provisions of SPACE800X . When registering, you confirmed that you have full legal capacity at the time of registration and are authorised to register all companies that you represent here and to conduct business for them. The following terms of use are a valid contract between you as a representative of your employer or company or other legal entity ("you" or "user" or "provider") on whose behalf you are entering into this contract with SPACE800X for Business Solutions GmbH. This contract clarifies the rights and obligations in relation to all licence usage rights and content. By concluding these terms of use, you confirm, among other things, that your country of residence corresponds to the country of your billing address. Our platform may only be used by companies that have their headquarters in a country that belongs to the European Union.,, SMARKT, SMART B2B MARKT and SMART E2E MARKT are the trade names of SPACE800X for Business Solutions GmbH. SMART B2B MARKET (SMARKT) SPACE800X for Business Solutions GmbH ("SPACE800X" or "" or "" or "SMARKT") offers, among other things, technology products (called Tec products), B2B events as well as business and technology-oriented service products (called service products or services) from third-party providers as well as sales/marketing services and purchasing services. On the SPACE800X website "SMART B2B MARKET" (referred to as the "website" or the "platform"), you can advertise and purchase service packages, Tec products, resources (documentary work tools) and B2B events, use SPACE800X mobile applications or use software provided by SPACE800X in one of the above contexts (together the "SPACE800X Services"). With a usage licence, each user receives the right of use through this one licence for a single user, which is made available to you. This licence authorises a single natural person to license, download and use content. Except when upgrading to a "SMART E2E MARKET", no other person (including employees, colleagues or independent contractors) can access their account or use content licensed through their account. SMART E2E MARKET Our Smart B2B Market software is also available in the in-house version "Smart E2E Market" (Expert2Expert) to continuously improve internal workflows, optimise in-house synergies and reduce third-party provider costs. This is also the first and only software worldwide that enables an expert, expertise, technology, information and tender management system "out of the box": it is easy, quick and inexpensive to set up in the company. The available in-house expertise is mapped separately from people and vice versa. If you purchase a "SMART E2E MARKT" solution for "Company Groups" or "Big Enterprises", they are granted the right to licence, download and use content. The licence usage rights are limited to the number of persons, companies and business units provided for in the relevant software solution. The "SMART E2E MARKET" from SPACE800X for Business Solutions GmbH grants limited users access and usage rights in addition to other additional rights. The terms of use for our SMART E2E MARKET are explained separately. Please read the following Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy to understand how we collect and process your personal information through SPACE800X Services. SPACE800X provides the SPACE800X Services subject to the terms and conditions set out on this page. is the trading name for SPACE800X. NOTE: On the SPACE800X Smart B2B Market platforms, only the masculine form is used for reasons of better readability. However, it refers to persons of three genders. 1. REGISTRATION PROCESS 1.1 The user warrants that he/she has full legal capacity at the time of registration and is authorised to enter into transactions on behalf of his/her company. 1.2 To start the registration process, you must send us a complete and accurate application for participation in accordance with the registration form. We will then check your application for accuracy and let you know whether we accept or reject it. We may also reject your application if we determine that your company or the products or company philosophy you offer are not objectively suitable to become part of SPACE800X. 1.3 Each user may only enter one business e-mail address at a time. Only personalised, regularly used company e-mail addresses are permitted. Impersonal e-mail addresses that begin with info@, for example, are not permitted. Private e-mail addresses or e-mails with addresses from public e-mail service providers, such as,, etc., are also not permitted. The use of e-mail addresses generated exclusively for the misuse of SPACE800X is also prohibited. If the request does not comply with these guidelines or in case of doubt, the requester will not be granted access to the platform and the request will be rejected. 1.4 If SPACE800X rejects your application to participate, you cannot resubmit an application to participate. However, if SPACE800X accepts your application and then later determines, based on additional information after a factual review, that your company is not suitable or violates the terms of use/guidelines, SPACE800X may terminate this agreement with immediate effect. 1.5 SPACE800X makes every effort to check the accuracy of the initial registration. However, SPACE800X cannot guarantee the 100% accuracy of the data provided or the existence of the user and does not guarantee the identity of a user. 1.6 The user must ensure that the information on "SMART B2B MARKET" and other information relating to their account, including the business e-mail address and other contact information and the website identifier, is always complete, correct and up to date. SPACE800X may send notifications and possibly also declarations of consent and other notifications relating to the "SMART B2B MARKET" programme and this agreement to the respective valid e-mail address of the user administrator account. 1.7 After completing registration, the user must enter at least one company profile in the system and assign it to their user profile. The user has the option of creating as many companies as desired. The user is obliged to assign his company(ies) to the listed business area categories that most accurately describe the business areas used by the company and the products offered that end users can book or purchase on SPACE800X. Users can select multiple categories or create their own. If you are not sure which category to select or create, please contact SPACE800X. 1.8 Only e-mail addresses used for business purposes are permitted as user names. 1.9 The user is obliged to keep the password created during registration secret. The password is stored in encrypted form. SPACE800X itself cannot view the original password. SPACE800X will never ask users to communicate passwords outside the login field provided for this purpose. 1.10 The user has the option of entering a separate e-mail address for sending invoices. If the user does not use this service, all invoices will be sent to the user's e-mail address. 2. TERMS OF USE 2.1 We assume that you have carefully read the or or homepage before registering on SPACE800X to use our service. 2.2 Both markets are only accessible to companies or entrepreneurs. SPACE800X is not to be used for private, but for purely business purposes. SPACE800X is only available to companies/entrepreneurs based within the European Union. 2.3 You agree to a VAT company ID check as well as a company validation by our payment provider and that the data required for this may be forwarded to the respective verification centre. 2.4 The terms of use apply to all product/service offers and sales as well as purchases on or SMART B2B 2.5 Only registered members are granted access to the product/service offers and can post products or offer them for sale. Members are hereinafter referred to as "member" or "user" or "user" or "seller" or "expert" or "provider". 2.6 The terms of use for business are also set out in the services offered on, these GTC and the FAQ page for companies on the use of the member area. By ticking the checkbox at the end of the registration process, you as a user accept the General Terms of Use for the use of the information, products and services offered on B2B 2.7 Experts/sellers/vendors are prohibited from concluding transactions (contracts or product sales) for listed products with users acquired via SPACE800X outside of the platform during the membership. This also applies to products with similar content or other products that you have not listed on the platform or that are follow-up transactions. You have the option of customising additional product packages to user requirements at any time and uploading them to SPACE800X. It is also possible to upload additional projects and project invoices to the system. In the event of violations, SPACE800X reserves the right to assert claims for damages and to terminate the contract without notice. In addition, in the event of culpable violations of this regulation, a contractual penalty of 10,000 euros plus VAT, if applicable, must be paid to SPACE800X for each individual violation. In this case, your account will be blocked by us immediately. Users will be informed that they have breached the contractual agreement and another expert/seller/provider company will be recommended to them. 2.8 Users are offered offers on B2B where the prices are adjusted to the size of the company. The user agrees, upon request, to provide the average economic figures (company capital, turnover, number of employees) of the last two completed financial years, if applicable, whereby at least two of three size criteria must be met, and to have them checked by SPACE800X or by the commissioned expert/seller/provider at the start of the project. SPACE800X will inform you immediately after checking if there are any discrepancies between the company's own key figures and those you have specified in your profile. 2.9 You are obliged to provide truthful information about certain average economic figures or information about the size of your company that we may request as part of the order. You hereby agree that the contracted service provider/provider may verify your information and you agree to make any necessary key figures available to them for verification. In the event of significant violations or incorrect information regarding company size when purchasing products, SPACE800X reserves the right to suspend your profile and terminate your membership without notice, as well as other legal claims. 2.10 If no key figures for determining the company size are provided by the client or if discrepancies in the determination of the company size cannot be resolved, the contractor (expert/provider) or SPACE800X may categorise the user in the user group determined by itself. The client must then pay the corresponding company size prices. However, the contractor must demonstrably use reputable key figure determination channels (e.g. investor sites, platforms such as to determine the company size. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS, PERSONALISATION AND THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS As part of the SPACE800X services, we recommend functions, products and services that may be of interest to you based on the information you provide and your use of the platform. These recommendations are made in particular on the basis of tracking technologies. We commission other companies and individuals to fulfil tasks for us. Examples include sending letters or emails, maintaining our user lists, analysing our databases, assisting with advertising, providing search results and links (including paid offers and links), processing payments (credit card, direct debit and purchase on account), transmitting content, assessing and managing credit risks and providing user services. These third-party service providers have access to personal information that is required to fulfil their tasks. However, they may not use it for other purposes. In addition, they are obliged to handle the information in accordance with this privacy policy and the relevant data protection laws. 4. COPYRIGHT AND DATABASE RIGHTS 4.1 Our platform is subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright law. The rights for the software programmes developed for our product SPACE800X Smart B2B Market, as well as the concepts and the associated business ideas and product structures, are the sole responsibility of SPACE800X for Business Solutions GmbH. These enjoy copyright protection in accordance with §§ 69a ff. of the German Copyright Act. It is therefore not permitted to simply copy our software. In order to reinforce our copyright and neighbouring rights, we have deposited all necessary documents with our notary as proof! 4.2 All content, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads and data collections contained in or provided by a SPACE800X service is the property of SPACE800X or the respective third parties who provide content or make it available on the website, and is protected by applicable copyright and database rights. 4.3 Without our express written consent, you may only use SPACE800X Services for the purposes contractually agreed between us. The creation or participation in the creation of an imitation of the SPACE800X marketing platform for technical products and for business and technology-oriented service products from registered third parties is prohibited during the term of the contract and also after its termination. 4.4 The user grants SPACE800X, free of charge, the simple, transferable right, unlimited in time, space and content, to make texts, images or video files, which he uses to design his profile or as advice tips or whose use he authorises SPACE800X to use, publicly accessible, reproduce, distribute and edit for commercial purposes from the conclusion of the contract. SPACE800X is authorised without restriction to transfer the rights of use to partner sites to increase reach. These rights of use end with the end of the contract or the complete processing of the last transaction brokered via SPACE800X, whichever occurs later. 4. 5 The user represents and warrants that he is authorised to use the texts and other materials in accordance with the above clauses, which he transmits to SPACE800X for profile design and/or other use (newsletter, resources, information material, etc.) or which he permits SPACE800X to use, and that no rights of third parties conflict with this. 4.6 If the texts or other content are created by SPACE800X employees for the user, all copyrights and rights of use remain with SPACE800X. The user is only permitted to use the content outside of the profile with the express written consent of SPACE800X. 5. TRADEMARK AND LABELLING RIGHTS The SPACE800X and SMARKT trademarks are the property of SPACE800X Business Solutions GmbH. In addition, SPACE800X's graphics, logos, headers, button icons, etc. may constitute SPACE800X's trademark and labelling rights. SPACE800X's trademark and labelling rights may not be used for purposes that cause confusion or disparagement of SPACE800X. All other trademarks and trade names not owned by SPACE800X that appear in a SPACE800X service are the property of their respective owners. 6. YOUR COMPANY ACCOUNT 6.1 Each user can only register once. The decisive factor is the business e-mail address and not the company-related data. 6.2 Each provider must upload the company-related homepage address, bank details, a commercial register number and a VAT identification number ("VAT ID number") as well as identity cards of the managing directors/company owners with 25% or more of the shares of each of their deposited company(ies). Each provider company on file must be validated by our payment provider. Without successfully completed validation, providers can create products, but they will not be placed online. 6.3 In order to sell or use the fee-based parts of, each registered company requires a SPACE800X personal user account to use certain SPACE800X services, or you must be logged into your SPACE800X account and linked to your company's business account via a valid payment method. 6.4 The initial registration on SPACE800X must be made via an authorised representative; if the person's power of representation is not evident from the commercial register, SPACE800X reserves the right to request further proof of the person's power of representation (e.g. submission of a power of attorney, an extract from the trade register, etc.). 6.5 The administrator of the member company profile is given access to a personal admin login area. Each user can only see their own purchases and sales and not the purchases/sales of their employees/colleagues. The employee/colleague profiles can also only see their own purchases and sales. 6.7 If you use a SPACE800X service, you are responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of your account, password, for restricting access to your computer and mobile devices. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to be responsible for all activities that occur under your account or password. You should take all steps necessary to ensure that your password is kept confidential and secure and you should notify us immediately if you have reason to believe that a third party has gained knowledge of your password or that the password is being, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorised manner. You are responsible for ensuring that the information you provide to us is accurate and complete and for notifying us of any changes to the information you have provided. You can view your information in the "My Centre" section of the SPACE800X website. 6.7 You must not use a SPACE800X service: (i) in a manner that is likely to interrupt, damage or otherwise interfere with the SPACE800X Service or access to it; or (ii) for fraudulent purposes or in connection with a criminal offence or unlawful activity; or (iii) to cause nuisance or harm to third parties. 6.8 We reserve the right to withhold services on the website from you in the event of significant violations or to close member accounts. This applies in particular in the event that you violate applicable law, contractual agreements or our guidelines. 7. YOUR PERSONAL AND FIREMEN PROFILES 7.1 Your personal and company profile(s) will be put online by SPACE800X as soon as you click on save. If the user does not provide any necessary data or materials beyond the basic data, SPACE800X will create the profile online from the available data. Please check and complete your profile immediately and adjust any inaccurate data in your profile without delay. 7.2 By agreement, the user authorises SPACE800X to use data, in particular text and image material from his personal sites, to place the profile online and grants SPACE800X the necessary rights of use. The user guarantees that the data used on his personal sites is up-to-date, correct and complete. 7.3 The user has no claim to the publication of certain content or a certain form of presentation of his profile. In particular, hyperlinks that refer to pages outside of can be removed by SPACE800X for a fee. 7.4 The user is obliged to regularly check the profile for completeness and correctness of content during the entire term of the contract and to correct errors immediately. Relevant changes (e.g. company name, telephone number, area of activity, price adjustments, etc.) must be changed immediately in the user's profile. 7.5 SPACE800X does not carry out any legal review of profiles and offers. The user is solely responsible for the profile content and offers. The user is obliged to independently observe and monitor applicable laws and professional obligations with regard to the exercise of the profession, establishment and professional title. The user alone is responsible for violations; SPACE800X is not liable in this regard and the user indemnifies SPACE800X from any liability in this context upon first request. 8. VIDEO FILE AND NEWS FEEDS 8.1 In the personal login area, the user can submit a limited number of texts or video files (partly free of charge, but also for a fee) and "news feeds", "blogs" for publication on SPACE800X. Publication is subject to activation by SPACE800X and is limited to a maximum of one company video per active company profile and Tec product. SPACE800X shall determine the time of activation, formatting and presentation, taking due account of the user's interests. 8.2 The user undertakes to publish only factual, informative and business-related news or blogs. Personal opinion making, politicisation and private topics are to be avoided. In the event of violations, SPACE800X reserves the right to block user accounts and/or charge the perpetrator for the removal of such unobjective topics 8.3 Only self-created topics related to your own company may be published. SPACE800X reserves the right to make any necessary editorial changes. The user has no claim to publication. 8.4 Contributions may not contain active hyperlinks, harmful computer codes or similar. SPACE800X is not responsible for the legal and/or content review of contributions and the user shall indemnify SPACE800X upon first request in the event of claims by third parties based on such contributions. 9. SALE OF TEC PRODUCTS AND OTHER OFFERS 9.1 The prerequisite is that your products serve one or more SPACE800X business areas that are displayed on our platform. Only the sale of proprietary Tec products that your company develops or manufactures itself is permitted. The sale of third-party goods is not permitted. 9.2 In general, for all products offered, you should offer 3% cheaper on SPACE800X than on your company's own sales channels. 9.3 SPACE800X wants to enable your company to advertise and offer for sale your own technical product developments on SPACE800X free of charge. free of charge. You can offer any number of Tec products via SPACE800X. In the event of a sale, SPACE800X charges a commission fee on the net price of the product sold on The published and agreed net prices plus statutory VAT and conditions, if applicable, apply. Please refer to point 12. 9.4 When calculating the prices for the Tec products, the shipping/forwarding costs must be included for the time being, as the shipping costs cannot yet be shown separately in the system. Here, too, we recommend using personal experience. The seller is solely responsible for the complete handling of the dispatch of the goods and the dispatch of the goods themselves. 9.5 The vendor is responsible for handling the delivery and the return procedure for defective products and must organise this independently. The costs for this shall be borne by the vendor. A reversal of the fees and commission is not possible in this case. 9.6 The provider is responsible for the processing of complaints and credit notes and must organise this independently. The costs for this shall be borne by the provider. A reversal of the commission and fees is also not possible in this case. 9.7 In the "business-to-business" (B2B) sector, when an order is concluded via an online brokerage platform, the contracts concluded or the GTC accepted are generally binding. It is therefore generally no longer possible to withdraw from the contract by cancelling the order after the contract has been concluded. It is also not possible to return/send products in B2B. Please also refer to point 14 Cancellations 9.8 The price offered at the time of purchase is always valid. 10. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERT/VENDOR/SUPPLIER PROGRAMME 10.1 Our expert/seller/provider platform enables companies to advertise and sell expert service/expertise/service product packages or other "products" on SPACE800X. A "service product" is a business or technology-based service ("expertise" or "expertise package") or a B2B event (seminar, workshop, conference, etc.) offered for sale on the SPACE800X website by your company on the SPACE800X platform. You can offer or purchase an unlimited number of service product packages via SPACE800X. 10.2 The prerequisite is that the service products serve one or more SPACE800X business areas that are displayed on our platform. In general, all service products offered must be 3% cheaper on SPACE800X than on the company's own sales channels. 10.3 For service products, it is a prerequisite that you offer clearly defined service product packages. The project duration estimates and the prices of your products must be adapted to the respective company sizes (SMEs and large companies). The larger the company size, the more time and effort is required for the consultancy work to be carried out. Therefore, the services are also offered according to price categories. Your company should offer the "product packages" to the end consumer in the following three different price categories: 1. Startups and small businesses: most favourable rate and at least 3% below "list price for this category/product" from your company/ sale on your own online/stores 2. Medium-sized companies: medium price category and at least 3% below "list price for this category/product" from your company/ sale on your own online/stores 3. Large companies: most expensive category, but also here at least 3% below "3% below "list price for this category/product" from your company/ sale on your own online/stores However, you also have the option of offering a flat-rate price for all company categories / service product packages. Here, too, it is important to ensure that your offer is attractive and that remains below 3% of the "list price for this category/product" offered by your company/sold on your own online/stores). The prices offered at the time of purchase are always valid. 10.4 It is not permitted to pass on the fees/commissions charged by SPACE800X to the end user or to conclude a contract/purchase outside the platform. Should both parties nevertheless decide in favour of the latter, we would like to point out that this will have legal consequences and that the buyer protection described in point 17.5 will become completely obsolete. 10.5 In the event of culpable violations of this provision of contract items 10.3 and 10.4, a contractual penalty of 10,000 euros plus VAT, if applicable, must be paid to SPACE800X for each individual violation. In this case, the account would be blocked by us immediately. Users will be informed that the provider has breached the contractual agreement and another expert/seller/provider company will be recommended to the buyer. We would like to point out that in case of doubt, we may present the tracking data of behavioural patterns as evidence in court. To be on the safe side, you hereby also agree to our procedure. 10.6 You should design your product packages so that they are both attractively priced and useful for the user. For each product/product package sold, SPACE800X receives a commission on the associated net sales from your company. If your company generates little or no turnover, we recommend that you review your product packages to ensure that they are attractive to users. 10.7 All service product providers also have the option of rejecting requests. 10.8 After acceptance of the order and before the start of the project, each expert/seller/provider must check for himself whether the user has allocated his companies to the actual company size. 10.9 All purchasing companies agree to be assigned to company size categorisation plans defined by SPACE800X. Two of three size criteria must apply in two consecutive financial years, the last two financial years: Key figures small business: ≤ € 350,000 and < € 4,840,00 balance sheet total ≤ € 700,000 and < € 9,680,000 sales revenue ≤ 10 and < 50 employees on an annual average Key figures for SMEs: ≥ € 4,840,00 and < € 19,250,00 balance sheet total ≥ € 9,680,000 and < € 38,500,000 sales revenue ≥ 50 and < 250 employees on an annual average Key figures Large company: ≥ € 19,250.00 Balance sheet total ≥ € 38,500,000 Sales revenue ≥ 250 employees on an annual average 10.10. The Buyer shall make a down payment of 20% of the service product prices. 11. CONTRACT TERM, CANCELLATION, PRICES AND PAYMENT 11.1 Membership of SPACE800X SMART B2B MARKT is free of charge. Membership begins with the activation of the profile and can be cancelled at any time. Provided that no active project is being carried out at that time. However, if you have ordered a service via our platform or accepted a project, for example, you can only delete your account once the project has been completed. In other words: Only an account without an active business transaction can be deleted at any time. 11.2 Searching, purchasing, advertising companies and company-owned products as well as expertise on SPACE800X SMART B2B MARKET is generally free of charge for the searching and purchasing user. Buyers do not have to pay any fees or commission to SPACE800X for Business Solutions GmbH. 11.3 Every member has the option of utilising additional fee-based products. The net prices and contract terms published and agreed on the FAQ page at the time the respective contract is concluded shall always apply. All prices are exclusive of any statutory VAT. SPACE800X reserves the right to make reasonable price increases due to increased production/distribution costs or service expansions with 3 months' notice before the end of the contract for subsequent periods. Such price adjustments will be communicated to users in text form and published. 11.5 Any number of products can be created, but only those that are assigned to successfully validated companies will be published. There is no charge for activating or offering a product. Fees are only due upon sale. 11.6 The amount of commission to be paid depends on the respective net sales of the posted product. The commission must be paid to SPACE800X as soon as the user has completed a booking/purchase on SPACE800X or the expert has provided the service and issued the customer invoice (interim and final invoices) on the SPACE800X platform. The fees and commission incurred shall be borne by the provider alone. 11.7 Vendor invoices for events, tec products and resources are automatically generated by our system and sent to the end user. After completion of service product projects, the seller/expert/provider is obliged to generate the invoice(s) to the user via our platform and send them to the buyer via our system. 11.8 If the contract of the expert/seller/provider brokered via SPACE800X is cancelled free of charge through no fault of the expert/seller/provider, SPACE800X's commission is nevertheless not waived. If the volume of the contract of the expert/seller/provider brokered via SPACE800X is reduced through no fault of the expert/seller/provider, the commission of SPACE800X and the fees are automatically reduced as well. 11.9 In the event of a return debit note or other chargeback, the seller/expert must bear the additional costs incurred by SPACE800X to the extent that he is responsible for the cost-triggering event. At the same time, SPACE800X is authorised to exclude the expert/seller/provider from using SPACE800X in the event of significant payment arrears. 11.10 The invoice amount is due on the respective invoice date and is automatically collected by our payment provider. The customer shall have no right of retention or right of set-off unless the claim is undisputed or legally binding. 11.11 Where applicable, each user will receive an electronic and automated invoice from SPACE800X or via our system. 11.12 The fees for one-time/recurring or monthly products (such as job advertisements or subscription products) as well as commissions and fees are to be paid via the SPACE800X payment processing system. 11.13 The possibility of extraordinary cancellation of membership remains unaffected. An important reason in this sense is in particular i) For the user: The main restriction of the content of the services available via SPACE800X. ii) for the SPACE800X operator: 1. repeated significant breaches of contractual obligations by the user following a warning; 2. In the event of repeated significant violations of legal regulations by the user following a warning in connection with this contractual relationship. 3. Impending or actual damage to reputation by SPACE800X due to the presence or behaviour of the user (e.g. publication of radical political, xenophobic, sexist, insulting or inciting content); 4. Harmful behaviour by the user towards SPACE800X, another user or a majority of users. 11.15 Contract cancellations must currently still be made in writing by e-mail to [email protected]. However, SPACE800X is already working on a digital cancellation form and will make this available asap. 11.16 In the event of membership cancellation, the user ID will be blocked upon expiry of the cancellation period. In all other cases, the user ID will be blocked immediately. 11.17 In the event of justified extraordinary cancellation by SPACE800X, the user is not entitled to a pro rata refund. 12. FEES, COMMISSIONS AND PAYMENT OF MONEY TO THE SUPPLIER (BUYER PROTECTION) 12.1 SPACE800X does not charge purchasers for the use of basic functions or for the purchase of products. 12.2 SPACE800X only charges fees for the use of additional options. 12.3 If an offer/product is sold via SMARKT, the seller must pay SPACE800X an immediately due sales commission as well as the fees incurred. All current prices and fees can be found on our FAQ page. The purchase of service products is an exception. When placing an order, the customer only has to make a down payment and only has to pay the required amount for the entire service after the service has been provided via our payment system. Providers are only required to pay commissions and fees at the time of invoicing. 12.4 Fees for purchased products or ongoing services (e.g. a tec or event product) are invoiced by the buyer in advance and are due for payment immediately. If the debt collection fails, the user must reimburse SPACE800X for the additional costs incurred, insofar as he is responsible for the failure. 12.5 As part of payment processing at SPACE800X, fees and other claims arising from this contractual relationship will also be offset by the responsible SPACE800X payment service company against available or future payment amounts of the seller. This requires the transfer of user data. The individual fees and the sales commission are due for payment immediately and will be deducted directly by our payment service provider after collection of the turnover. 12.6 SPACE800X will provide the vendor with an invoice for the fees and sales commissions incurred. SPACE800X informs the seller by e-mail about the provision of the respective invoice. The seller can retrieve the complete invoice in his SPACE800X account. 12.7 Without further reminder, those requested to pay are in default after 30 days after notification of the invoice amount. 12.8 Sellers are prohibited from circumventing the SPACE800X fee structure. In case of violation, the seller is liable for damages. In this case, 25% of the loss of sales will be charged plus processing fees and our legal fees. 12.9 SPACE800X reserves the right to charge a lump sum for the deletion of offers or other content or for the blocking of users if the user is responsible for the violation, unless the user proves that no damage at all or significantly less damage has been incurred. SPACE800X may also charge a fee for reactivating a blocked SPACE800X account. 12.10 SPACE800X can change the fees and sales commissions at any time. Price changes will be communicated to users in good time before they take effect. 12.11 SPACE800X cannot guarantee transparency regarding the fees charged by our payment providers, as the payment provider does not inform SPACE800X of price changes. However, SPACE800X tries to keep the information about the transaction fees up to date on the FAQ page and in the service of calculating the profit for each product placed, within the product entry forms. Nevertheless, it may happen that you are charged more fees than the fee and commission calculator has indicated to you by our payment provider. 12.12 SMARKT offers buyers a form of buyer protection in relation to the delivery of goods and the organisation of B2B events: in order to guarantee the delivery of ordered B2B products and the arrival of tec products already paid for, the amount paid by the buyer will only be paid out to the provider once the event has been carried out or the delivery of the goods has been proven with the help of a stored goods tracking link in the system. The commission and fees must be paid by the vendor on the day of the product sale and are collected automatically. The vendor is not entitled to a refund of the fees and commissions. -This also applies if the buyer has not received the goods or the B2B event could not be carried out or is otherwise cancelled. 12.13 In order to be able to grant the buyer the buyer protection described above, amounts paid immediately by the buyer to our payment providers are "temporarily parked" in a separately set up account of SPACE800X. B2B event sales are usually paid out to the providers 14 days after the event has been held. In the case of the sale of Tec products, SPACE800X usually pays 14 days after delivery of the goods in order to be able to take action against possible serious offences. 12.14 In the case of the sale of resources, the money minus commission and fees will be paid out immediately. 13. PROJECT MANAGEMENT OF SERVICE PRODUCTS 13.1 A small project should be completed with a single extension after 6 months and a large project after 9 months. The following timelines are set: • Project size up to 59 days maximum 3 months time • Project size up to 118 days maximum 6 month time The first online introductory meeting is set as the project start date. 13.2 If a project is delayed, the expert can extend the project by a maximum of 3 months. The expert receives a reminder email 14 days before the deadline, where he can take action if the deadline cannot be met. 13.3 If an expert is again unable to meet the deadline, the client will be offered the option of completing the project with the contractor outside of SPACE800X or terminating the order at the actual status. In both cases, the expert must generate a final invoice for the contractor via the system. The client must pay for the services already provided. 14. CANCELLATIONS 14.1 Refunds are not provided for in the B2B area, unless there are blatant defects in the products that justify these refunds. It is strongly discouraged to make refunds outside the platform. In the case of goodwill, the buyer should contact SPACE800X directly and request the repayment via his bank, otherwise there is a risk that the buyer will have the repayment amount refunded twice. Once via SPACE800X and once via his bank. Should this case of loss nevertheless occur, you as the supplier are liable for this yourself. Refunds of commission and fees are generally not possible. 14.2 In principle, contracts concluded when the order is placed are binding. It is therefore no longer possible to withdraw from the contract by cancelling the order and returning the goods after the contract has been concluded. Unless the contract or the general terms and conditions (GTC) of the provider/seller contain a provision on cancellation or the contractor agrees to a special agreement on contract termination as a gesture of goodwill. In this case, the user must clarify the cancellation of the contract directly with the provider. Any repayment of the amount already paid must be arranged directly by the provider. The provider must send the operator a repayment request by post. The buyer undertakes to confirm the process on request, if necessary, and to pay all fees incurred for this. As already stated in point 14.1, refunds of commission and fees are generally not possible 14.3 Cancellation of an order for a service product package is only possible under the following conditions: 1. Cancellation level: The order can be cancelled free of charge up to 1 week before the first online appointment with the expert. The advance payment will be refunded in full by SPACE800X. 2. Cancellation level: After the first online appointment, you can still cancel the order free of charge, but you will have to pay for the time spent on the first online appointment. For this, a flat rate of one consultant hour in your company category will be charged and offset against the advance payment made. The remaining advance payment will be refunded to you by SPACE800X. 14.4 Cancellation of an ongoing service project is equivalent to cancellation or breach of contract. In this case, the GTCs of the respective provider apply. If the provider's T&Cs do not clarify this point, we recommend that the following cancellation arrangement be made with each other: If the client or contractor wishes to cancel during the ongoing project, then the client only has to pay for the expenses already incurred. The provider must immediately issue the final invoice within 14 days. The advance payment made will be offset against the final invoice. If the amount requested is greater, the client must pay the amount, otherwise the remaining advance payment will be refunded. Unless otherwise stipulated in the provider's general terms and conditions, the provider's payment agreements shall apply. 14.5 The cancellation of the project must be made in writing directly to the provider company. The cancelling party also undertakes to inform SPACE800X in writing of the project cancellation and to provide corresponding evidence. The provider must upload the final invoices with proof of work within 7 days and pay the fees and commission fees to SPACE800X. If he does not comply with this, the commission and fees for the provider are due as stated at the time of project acceptance, regardless of whether he has generated this turnover or not. 14.6 SPACE800X is not liable for any amounts to be repaid to buyers on the basis of disputes if you do not fulfil all conditions and applicable obligations of the seller protection. 15. REVIEWS, COMMENTS, COMMUNICATION AND OTHER CONTENT 15.1 Users may write reviews, comments and other content on SPACE800X, send other communications and post suggestions, ideas, comments, questions or other information as long as the content is not illegal, obscene, offensive, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy or violates the rights of third parties. 15.2 You may not use a false e-mail address, impersonate any other person or company or otherwise mislead about means of payment or other content. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed by an article or information in a SPACE800X service, please notify us. 15.3 If you provide user reviews, comments, questions or answers, or other content made available by you for display on the SPACE800X platform (e.g. images, videos or audio material, collectively referred to as "content"), you grant SPACE800X, (a) the non-exclusive, royalty-free right, unlimited in time and place, to use, reproduce, publish, make available and modify this content worldwide in all media, including the right to sub-licence to third parties; and (b) the right to use the name you submit in connection with such content. 15.4 You guarantee that you hold all necessary rights to the content that you have written and posted on SPACE800X; that, at the time the content and material was provided and the content and material are free of defects and legal violations or violations of SPACE800X's terms and conditions. You will indemnify SPACE800X against all third-party claims asserted against SPACE800X arising from or in connection with such content or materials that you have made available, unless the damage is based on SPACE800X's own infringement. 15.5 SPACE800X's task is not to control the communication between users. SPACE800X cannot be held liable for violations arising from this communication. If contracts between users arise through the communication channels of SPACE800X, SPACE800X is not involved and is therefore not a contractual partner. SPACE800X is therefore not liable in connection with such contracts. In this case, 12.6 may apply. 16. TERMS OF USE FOR SPACE800X SOFTWARE 16.1 In addition to our Terms of Use, the following Terms of Use apply to our platform (including all updates and upgrades and any related documentation) that we make available to you from time to time for your use in connection with the SPACE800X Services (the "SPACE800X Software"): 16.2 You may not use a SPACE800X Service: (i) in a manner that is likely to interrupt, damage or otherwise interfere with the SPACE800X Service or access to it, or (ii) for fraudulent, unlawful purposes or in connection with a criminal offence. 16.3 Any improper use or utilisation of the SPACE800X software and the data from is prohibited. In particular, the collection and storage of data from the databases as well as the complete, partial or partial use of the data for commercial address utilisation or as a document or aid for the compilation or supplementation of subscriber, address or other directories as well as the reading of the databases on the Internet for the aforementioned purposes as well as for other commercial use is not permitted. The same applies to the use of SPACE800X software and SPACE800X data for the creation of or participation in the creation of an imitation of the SPACE800X marketing platform of Tec products and for business and technology-oriented service products of registered third parties is prohibited during the term of the contract and for a period of two years after its termination. 16.4 The user is prohibited from using additional software or scripts in connection with the use of SPACE800X that are not necessary for its contractual use. However, the user may use the interfaces or software provided by the operator as part of the portal. 16.5 Blocking, overwriting, modifying, and copying SPACE800X software, in particular by means of "robot/crawler" search engine technologies, is prohibited unless this is necessary for the proper use of SPACE800X services. In this respect, it is expressly clarified that copying by means of "robot/crawler" search engine technologies is not necessary for the proper use of SPACE800X services. 16.6 The user must also refrain from any action that is likely to impair the functionality of the SPACE800X infrastructure, in particular to place an excessive load on it. 16.7 Access data must be kept strictly confidential and protected from access by third parties. It is prohibited to allow third parties to use the portal with their own access data. 16.8 The user is obliged not to misuse the portal, in particular • not to make any content accessible via SPACE800X that violates the provisions of copyright, name, trademark or patent law and/or infringes the rights of third parties, constitutes pornography within the meaning of criminal law, incites a criminal offence or is otherwise unlawful or immoral (e.g. money laundering, breaches of confidentiality, etc.); • not to interfere with SPACE800X or use devices, programmes or other means (viruses, exploits, etc.) that could lead to harmful changes to the SPACE800X Internet pages; • not to attempt to circumvent the access restrictions provided by the SPACE800X; • not to send or forward any chain letters or mass mailings (junk mail, spam, etc.) to the SPACE800X or other users. 16.9 The user indemnifies SPACE800X from any liability for damages incurred due to a violation of legal regulations or contractual agreements by the user. This includes in particular damages resulting from • Violations of data protection regulations, • Infringements of copyright, name, trade mark or patent rights, • Unauthorised disclosure of user ID and/or password. 16.10 The expert/seller/provider only receives access to member data when an order is placed. The expert/seller/provider should not contact members or advertise their service unless they have received explicit consent from users. Your company contact details will only be made available to the expert/seller/provider when a product is booked by this expert/seller/provider. 16.11 We reserve the right to withhold services on the Website from you or to close member accounts for important reasons. This applies in particular in the event that you violate applicable law, contractual agreements or our guidelines. 17. USE OF THE SPACE800X SERVICES, PROHIBITED OFFERS/PRODUCTS AND CONTENT 17.1 It is the user's responsibility to ensure that his offers and content (in particular images and other information) are lawful and do not infringe any third-party rights. 17.2 It is prohibited to offer or advertise offers/products on SPACE800X whose offer, sale or purchase violates legal regulations, the SPACE800X principles, the rights of third parties or morality. SPACE800X reserves the right to make the sale of certain offers/products subject to conditions that go beyond the legal requirements. 17.3 It is prohibited to manipulate the prices of your own or third-party offers/products or to purchase your own offers/products by using multiple SPACE800X accounts or in co-operation with other users. 17.4 It is prohibited to manipulate the search functions of the SPACE800X services, e.g. by improperly inserting brand names or other search terms into the offers/product names or descriptions. 17.5 Sellers must place their offers/products in the appropriate category and describe them correctly and completely in words and pictures. All characteristics and features essential for the purchase decision as well as defects that reduce the value of the goods offered must be truthfully stated. In addition, full information must be provided on the terms of payment and delivery. 17.6 In order to make it easier for sellers to offer offers/products and to provide buyers with a more relevant buying experience, SPACE800X maintains a SPACE800X catalogue in which information (images, videos, product names, brands, logos, trade names, features and descriptions, etc.) on specific products ("product data") is stored. If a seller uses product data provided by SPACE800X when creating an offer and these are subsequently changed in the SPACE800X catalogue, they can also be automatically updated accordingly in the user's offer. 17.7 SPACE800X allows users to sort the search results according to various criteria. If a user does not make a selection, the order of the search results is based on the following main parameters, among others: i.) Location of the buyer, search query, SPACE800X page on which the buyer is searching and search history of the buyer; ii.) Offers/product location, offer format, price, amount of shipping costs, return conditions, number of sales of the respective offer/product and relevance with regard to the search query; iii.) the seller's sales history, detailed seller ratings, compliance with other SPACE800X principles and the defect rate; iiii.) Number of offers matching the buyer's search query. In addition, search results are always displayed for offers for which the respective seller has agreed to pay an additional advertising fee. These search results are labelled as "Advertisement". 17.8 The offers/product descriptions and the images used in them may only refer to the offers/products offered. Advertising for offers/products not offered on SPACE800X is not permitted. Sellers may not use seals of approval, guarantee marks or other symbols from third parties when using SPACE800X services unless SPACE800X authorises such symbols. 17.9 Sellers/providers who offer goods or services to consumers are obliged to provide them with the legally prescribed consumer protection information and to inform them of the existence or non-existence of the statutory right of cancellation. 17.10 Net prices are displayed on the platform. The price to be paid for the respective offers/products is the final price including any applicable VAT and other price components. The sales price does not include delivery and shipping costs. 17.11 Sellers are not permitted to charge SPACE800X fees, financial service provider fees or other third-party fees or commissions from buyers in addition to the sales price. 17.12 Users may not use addresses, e-mail addresses and other contact data obtained through the use of SPACE800X services for any purpose other than for contractual and pre-contractual communication. In particular, it is prohibited to resell this data or to use it for sending advertising, unless the respective user has expressly agreed to this in advance in accordance with the applicable legal provisions or has not objected to it. 17.13 Users are responsible for archiving information that can be viewed using the SPACE800X services and stored by SPACE800X, which they need for the purposes of preserving evidence, accounting or other purposes, on a storage medium that is independent of SPACE800X. 17.14 Users may not block, overwrite, or modify any content generated by SPACE800X or other users or interfere with SPACE800X services in any other way, especially if this could cause an excessive load on the SPACE800X infrastructure. 17.15 As part of payment processing, in the event of a successful buyer protection application, SPACE800X instructs the SPACE800X payment service company responsible for processing the purchase price payment to refund the buyer on behalf of the seller. The seller is obliged to refund the corresponding amount to SPACE800X. In this case, SPACE800X is authorised to offset the amount refunded to the buyer against future available payment amounts from the seller or, in particular if the seller's available payment amounts are insufficient, to collect the amount from its deposited payment methods. 18. FINES, PENALTIES AND OTHER COSTS 18.1 We cannot process payments for unauthorised and restricted items/offers. Before listing your item, you must ensure that you comply with the applicable legal regulations and the rules of SPACE800X, as well as any additional restrictions imposed in particular by the credit card associations or by third party payment service providers that we may use or that exist within the framework of network rules. 18.2 You are obliged to indemnify us against all chargebacks, penalties/fines, fees and other costs and damages incurred by us or asserted against us by third parties due to your culpable violation of these payment processing conditions, the SPACE800X T&Cs including the SPACE800X Principles, of laws or third-party rights or as a result of transactions whose payment we process for you in relation to an item or service that you have offered on SPACE800X (in particular with regard to the correctness of the item description and the legitimacy of the items or services offered for sale or sold by you). 19. OTHER COMPANIES & CO-OPERATION PARTNERS OF SPACE800X 19.1 Persons other than SPACE800X operate their companies on SPACE800X as experts/sellers/suppliers or users or are employed by companies. They provide services or sell other products, or purchase services and other products that are technologically or commercially related. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating these offers or sites and we do not guarantee the offers of these companies or individuals or the content on their profiles and personal sites on our platform. SPACE800X accepts no responsibility or liability for the actions, products and content of any of these or any third parties. You will be notified if a third party is involved in your transaction and we may share your information relating to that transaction with that third party. You should read their privacy policies, terms and conditions and other terms of use carefully. 19.2 The user agrees that his/her data may be used by third-party networks that have concluded a cooperation agreement with SPACE800X and in which SMARKT is used in order to enable business relationships between the SMARKT network and the third-party network. 19.3 Please note that we use an external payment provider to process the entire payment, fraud prevention and invoice management system. By agreeing to the SPACE800X terms and conditions, you also agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy of our payment provider: 19.4 The agreement for recipients applies to the acceptance of such payouts by you. To receive payouts from SPACE800x for Business Solutions, you must provide SPACE800X with valid and comprehensive information about yourself and your company. In addition, you authorise SPACE800X to forward these details and transaction information relating to your payouts to our payment processing provider. Further information can be found at: 20. THE ROLE OF SPACE800X, BUYER PROTECTION AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION 20.1 SPACE800X allows third-party providers to list, advertise and sell their events (seminars, workshops, conferences, other company events) and services in the form of product packages and Tec products on the website. This can be seen on the respective product detail page. Even though SPACE800X enables transactions on the SPACE800X SMART B2B MART Marketplace, SPACE800X is neither the buyer nor the seller of these third-party service products. SPACE800X merely offers buyers and sellers the opportunity to conduct negotiations and conclude transactions. SPACE800X is a pure brokerage platform. Thus, the contract that is concluded when these third-party service products are sold is concluded exclusively between the buyer and the seller. SPACE800X is not a contractual partner and therefore assumes no responsibility for that contract. SPACE800X is also not the seller's agent. The seller is responsible for the sale of the products, any complaints from the buyer and all other matters arising from the contract between buyer and seller. As soon as the service project you have booked is completed, the seller generates its invoices and invoice total! SPACE800X can also view all the invoices generated by the vendors. You hereby agree to this procedure. 20.2 If a customer does not receive the ordered goods or if they deviate significantly from the description, the seller is usually the first point of contact. In most cases, the buyer and seller reach a solution together in this way. However, if the buyer and seller do not agree, the buyer has the option of reporting the problem to SPACE800X by e-mail and SPACE800X will try to mediate if necessary. The effort for the mediation will be charged to the seller if the buyer can prove that his e-mails to the seller remained unanswered. However, if the buyer has contacted the supplier and has not reached a solution with him, he must pay for the mediation effort. SPACE800X charges 250.00 euros per hour for this. The conflict fee will only be due if the buyer submits a buyer protection request directly to SPACE800X by e-mail. 20.3 SMARKT offers buyers a form of buyer protection with regard to the delivery of goods and the organisation of B2B events: In order to guarantee the delivery of ordered B2B products and the arrival of tec products already paid for, the amount paid by the buyer will only be paid out to the supplier when the event has been carried out or the delivery of the goods has been proven with the help of a stored goods tracking link in the system. The commission and fees must be paid by the vendor on the day of the product sale and are collected automatically. The provider is not entitled to a refund of the fees and commissions if the buyer has not received the goods or the B2B event could not be carried out or is otherwise cancelled. 21. OUR WARRANTY AND LIABILITY 21.1 Contracts for services are only concluded directly between the users as members and the expert/seller/provider as the service/product provider, if brokered via The expert or his company is solely liable for the service. The user shall also indemnify SPACE800X against all claims of third parties asserted against SPACE800X for infringement of copyright, competition, professional and damage compensation or other rights in connection with the individual profile or contributions provided by the user. 21.2 SPACE800X shall not be liable for the non-fulfilment of contractual obligations if this is due to a reason beyond its control (natural disasters, war, import and export bans, obstacles in the area of responsibility of the expert/seller/provider and/or users or the online video portals selected by them, etc.). Agreed performance deadlines shall be deemed extended accordingly. If the impediment lasts for more than two months, the parties may terminate the contract without notice. 21.3 We always endeavour to ensure that the SPACE800X services are available without interruptions and that transmissions are error-free. However, due to the nature of the Internet, this cannot be guaranteed. Your access to SPACE800X Services may also be interrupted or restricted from time to time to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. We endeavour to limit the frequency and duration of any such temporary interruption or restriction. 21.4 SPACE800X is liable in accordance with the statutory provisions for intent and gross negligence on the part of SPACE800X, its legal representatives, executives or other vicarious agents. The same applies to the assumption of guarantees or other strict liability and to claims under the Product Liability Act or in the event of culpable injury to life, limb or health. SPACE800X is liable on the merits for simple negligent violations of essential contractual obligations caused by SPACE800X, its representatives, executives and simple vicarious agents, i.e. such obligations on the fulfilment of which the user regularly relies and may rely for the proper execution of the contract, but in this case the amount is limited to the typically occurring, foreseeable damage. 21.5 Any further liability of SPACE800X is excluded. SPACE800X is generally not responsible for the non-fulfilment of contractual obligations of its users. 21.6 Insofar as the liability of SPACE800X is excluded or limited, this also applies in favour of the personal liability of its legal representatives, executives and simple vicarious agents. 22. EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR HACKER ATTACKS Introduction: This disclaimer governs the liability between you ("User") and us ("Company") in the event of a hacker attack on our systems or networks. By using our services, you agree to the terms of this disclaimer. 22.1 Disclaimer: i) We use appropriate security measures to protect your data and information. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee absolute security and therefore disclaim any liability for damage or loss caused by a hacker attack on our systems or networks. ii) We are not liable for unauthorised access by third parties to your personal data, confidential information or other data that is compromised by a hacker attack. It is your responsibility to take appropriate security measures to protect your data, e.g. by using strong passwords, updating regularly and using anti-virus software. iii) We accept no liability for any damage to your computer system, software or other equipment caused by a hacker attack on our systems or networks. It is your responsibility to ensure that your equipment is adequately protected and up to date to prevent such attacks. 22.2 Damage limitation and duty to co-operate i) In the event of a hacker attack, you are obliged to inform us immediately and to co-operate in the investigation of the incident. We will take reasonable steps to investigate the incident and minimise the impact. ii) You are obliged to follow our instructions to minimise damage and prevent further damage. This may include changing passwords, updating your software or taking other appropriate measures. 22.3 Limitation of liability To the extent permitted by law, we limit our liability for any damage or loss you suffer as a result of a hacker attack to the direct damage and the amount you have paid for our services. 22.4 Severability clause Should any provision of this disclaimer be or become invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a legally permissible provision that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid provision. 22.5 Applicable law This disclaimer is subject to the applicable law of the country in which our company has its registered office. 23. EXEMPTION The user shall indemnify SPACE800X against all claims asserted by other users or other third parties against SPACE800X due to infringement of their rights by offers and other content posted by the user via the SPACE800X services or due to other use of the SPACE800X services. In this case, the user assumes the costs of the necessary legal defence of SPACE800X, including all court and attorney's fees in the statutory amount. This does not apply if the user is not responsible for the infringement. In the event of a claim by third parties, the user is obliged to provide SPACE800X immediately, truthfully and completely with all information necessary for the examination of the claims and a defence. 24. APPLICABLE LAW German law shall apply to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and the conflict of laws. The exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court in Wolfratshausen or Munich, Bavaria, is agreed. 25. CHANGES TO SERVICES OR CHANGES TO THE TERMS OF USE, ADVERTISING WITH CONTENT/ADVERTISEMENTS 25.1 We reserve the right to make changes to these GTC and other terms of service at any time. You are subject to the General Terms and Conditions, Terms of Contract and Terms of Use in force at the time you use the SPACE800X Services. If any of these terms are held to be invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. 25.2 SPACE800X offers users the opportunity to place paid advertisements. SPACE800X reserves the right to place adverts alongside user content without compensation to the user or third parties. 25.3 The user agrees that SPACE800X may advertise the SPACE800X Smart B2B Market (SMARKT) platform on its homepage and with the user's company logo. 25.4 For non-personal data, such as public company information (name, address, year of foundation, brief description, etc.), SPACE800X reserves the right to activate the findability of this public content via search engine services. 26. OUR CONTACT INFORMATION This platform is operated by SPACE800X for Business Solutions GmbH. If you have any questions, discrepancies or problems, please contact [email protected].