Serviceproduct-packages from experts
Successful Project Management
For the first time, B2B services are "translated" into online products. In this smart digital marketplace, company-specific services can be ordered directly from the experts in the form of ready-made packages.
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Get your Workpaper & Information you need!
The endless googling and searching for information has finally come to an end with the Resource Summarium. Here you will find all the uploaded work templates, working papers and other information from the entire community. Tip: Sort by subject area (business areas) on the right, so that everything can be found quickly.
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Further education & B2B events
Make yourself even more brilliant!
Congratulations you have made a very good choice. Below you will find all the necessary information for you.
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Seminar (presence)

Workshop -Online Präsenz (remote)

Seminar (presence)
Companies with real expertises
Find out what each company can offer you!
Get an overview of all companies on this B2B marketplace. Discover more about their business areas, fields of business and what services/expertise they can offer. Find out which company has invented and/or manufactures which Tec products. From each company profile, you can also order the company's own products.

accent Inkubator GmbH
accelerating ideas.
accent is the high-tech business incubator in the region of Lower Austria. It is also the local incubation partner of the ESA BIC Austria facilitating tech-transfer to and from the space industry. It supports academic spinoffs and innovative startups at an early stage in launching successful, knowledge-intense companies. In doing so, accent is open to members of all scientific disciplines and economic sectors, contributing to technology transfer and the exploitation of research results through spin-offs in line with universities‘ third mission. accent offers founders tailored coaching services and access to a wide network that helps to grow their business ideas. This network contains national and international financing companies, R&D institutions, industry, investors and policy makers. For greater societal impact, accent supports the transfer of CERN technologies into SME and startups. With its own CPI-programme (the creative pre-incubator) accent also offers a specialized early-stage support to students of universities of applied sciences.
Admintestfirma GmbH
Smarkt is a fully automated B2B marketplace that offers you everything from integrated fraud prevention to shop, invoice, tax and payment processing. Our full service relieves you of all tasks so that you can concentrate on your core competences. Experience a simple, convient and secure buying and selling plattform!
AES Aircraft Elektro/Elektronik System GmbH

AquaEnergy GmbH
nachhaltig – effizient – zukunftsorientiert
Wasseraufbereitung in der Industrie ohne Chemie u.a. in allen wasserführenden und emulsionshaltigen Kreisläufen in der Produktion bei Werkzeug- u. Hydraulikkühlung, Produktkühlung

avameo GmbH
Beratung- und Fortbildungstheke Heise
Ihr Partner für nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg!
Die "Beratung- und Fortbildungstheke Heise" unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, die Zufriedenheit und Bindung ihrer Mitarbeiter zu steigern. Mit maßgeschneiderten Programmen und Workshops helfen wir Ihnen, die Stärken Ihrer Mitarbeiter zu erkennen, eine authentische Unternehmenskultur zu entwickeln und dem Fachkräftemangel effektiv entgegenzuwirken. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihr Unternehmen als attraktiven Arbeitgeber zu positionieren und langfristigen Erfolg zu sichern. Buchen Sie uns auf SMARKT, wenn auch Sie Ihre Personalstrategien optimieren möchten.
CRN Management GmbH
Working together - reaping the benefits
We are a highly effective, independent and neutral consulting and service company, primarily active in the aerospace, defence and security sectors. As a creative partner with strong implementation skills, we provide the impetus to create value for our customers - national and international companies and public clients. Through a high level of competence, we deliver qualified consulting and services in the business areas/service sectors: - Opportunity management with business development and project management - Technical due diligence and - network management. Furthermore, together with partner companies, we offer a comprehensive and professional range of services with unmanned aerial systems (drones or UAS) in a broad spectrum of industries through our brand "airspector". CRN Management GmbH operates the portal "Best-of-Space" on behalf of German space SMEs, where German companies present themselves with their competencies, products and services for the global space market. The focus of our thinking and acting is on: - a long-lasting community of values with our customers - the will to perform and the ability to work in a team - leadership competence - Quality and transparency in our work - Openness, enjoyment of work and mutual support to achieve common goals.
Deep LS GmbH
Enabling Control over the Chemicals Space-Prediction Molecules with AI
By developing and introducing novel innovative software frameworks, Deep LS is helping Life Science Companies to leverage the disruptive potential of Machine Learning and AI. GeneSys is an AI Software that predicts molecules that bind to a given target protein. Its core technological feature is a Latent Diffusion Model that can generate molecular 3D structures based on a calculated seed information. This technology can achive time saving by up to 75% on Drug Discovery processes. The cost saving potential goes even beyond 75%. GeneSys generates higher quality results compared to other generative AI de novo ligand design approaches. It is the only solution on the market that actually comes closest to deliver on the 10^63 chemical space combinations claim.
Deutsche Testfirma GmbH

Deutsche Testhasen GmbH
Espaniol Testcompany S.L.
Die Espaniol Testcompany S.L. entwickelt und produziert hochmoderne Lasersysteme für industrielle Anwendungen. Unsere Präzisionslaser bieten höchste Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit in der Materialbearbeitung, Medizintechnik und Wissenschaft. Qualität und Innovation sind unsere Kernwerte.

EurA - Best in Innovation
Firmenregistrierung Nummer 3
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Landshut
We link experience with new opportunities.
Are you interested in a course of higher education that you can complete alongside your professional work? Would you like to catch up on your Bachelor's or Master's degree? Then you've come to the right place. The Continuing Education Academy at Landshut University of Applied Sciences offers various continuing education programmes ranging from a part-time Bachelor's degree to a Master of Engineering or MBA. A whole degree programme seems too extensive for you? In that case, we might be able to inspire you to take one of our first-class university certificate programmes. You can also decide on individual modules from the curriculum of our continuing education programmes. We will be happy to advise you on your options at any time.
Österreichischer Test500 Anbieter
Österreich Testfirma AG

Peter AG
Pitagora Informatikai Kft.
This is a young IT consulting company and also performs some IT product marketing and development activities.

sc connect management GmbH
Your pension expert for customised solutions!
We offer customised solutions for company pension schemes in the five implementation channels, income protection and company health insurance as well as insolvency protection for flexible retirement models. Our core expertise in company pension schemes lies in the outsourcing and funding of pension commitments. We have 35 years of experience and work with selected partners with outstanding professional expertise.
Scheck24 AG
Lorem ipsum

Lassen Sie uns "Schmitzeinander" kommunizieren.

SIA-Industrietechnik GmbH
SIA ist spezialisiert auf die Herstellung flexibler optischer Prüfsysteme. Unsere OptiBox hat sich bereits in Werkstätten für Menschen mit Behinderungen, aber auch in vielen Industriebereichen etabliert. Im Gegensatz zu vielen Konkurrenzprodukten ist die OptiBox darauf ausgelegt, dass sie immer da steht, wo geprüft werden muss. Die zu prüfenden Bauteile müssen also nicht zum Prüfsystem transportiert werden, sondern das Prüfsystem steht da, wo die Bauteile produziert werden. Hier kann die OptiBox bei Produktions-, Arbeits- und Montageprozessen sowohl für die Zwischen- als auch für die Endprüfung eingesetzt werden.
SkillConnect GmbH
Connect, Motivate and Promote
SkillConnect GmbH brings together people with different skills, backgrounds and experiences to tackle inspiring projects and spur each other on to peak performance. SkillConnect makes it possible to link individual skills, create synergies and collaborate both in the real world and digitally. Its main goal is to discover hidden talents, promote them and accompany people on their way to success. SkillConnect includes the branded product "AccountJourney". This is a demonstrably successful method that offers the opportunity to increase success in sales and key account management. It is designed to help sales staff and key account managers to act at eye level with their customers and to develop strategic partnerships. The method aims to drive growth, increase sales and exploit cross-selling opportunities. It provides a clear structure and focus to increase sales success and provide sales executives and key account managers with a new method of leadership.
Space800x for Business Solutions GmbH
Let your business fly higher with us!

Technology centre Prague
Technology Centre Prague specializes in business development, offering consulting services in intellectual property rights (IPR), financing, and distributor searches through the Enterprise Europe Network. The department also includes an ESA technology broker with a dedicated budget for financing space innovations.
Testfirm 120000
TestExperts with real hard skills
Match the best one!
Here you can now search for specific experts. To do this, you can click in the filter area (right) on all the necessary characteristics that the expert should have for your project. Fyi: Hard skills are objectively measurable and verifiable skills, professional knowledge and qualifications that an expert should have in order to complete a project successfully.
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Business Development Manager
Bachelor of Business Engeneering (Dipl.-Bus. Eng.(DH))

The best professional articles in Europe?
We don't want to read about cats, food, politics or opinion-making. We want to be allowed to read and learn from the best in their business field.
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News- & Goodies-Lounge
Stay up-to-date!
Check out the B2B news from all over Europe. Read the latest "news" about companies, services, projects, technologies, innovations... Stay up to date on what's important for business right now. No need to look at food or cat pictures here, unless it's a tec food or cat that can do something really great. Polteri and deconstructive, subjective opinions will be deleted and punished. Only room for focus on business, innovation and the future.

Besuchen Sie die netzwerkübergreifende INNOspace® Jahreskonferenz 2023 mit den Branchen Raumfahrt, Mobilität, Agriculture und Gesundheit. Die Fachkonferenz findet am 26. September von 10 Uhr bis 17 Uhr in Bonn statt. Die Registrierung zur Veranstaltung ist über die Website möglich:
Am Nachmittag stehen drei parallel stattfindende Workshops zu interessanten netzwerkübergreifenden Themen auf dem Programm:
• Workshop 1 | Reallabore: Potenzielle Anwendungsfelder mit Raumfahrt-Bezug
• Workshop 2 | PFAS-Verbindungen: Alternativen in den unterschiedlichen Branchen
• Workshop 3 | Nachhaltigkeit: Kriterien, Umsetzung und Reporting
Neben den Keynotes am Vormittag werden weitere Vorträge folgen durch: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK), Fraunhofer LBF, Fraunhofer ISC, KARL STORZ, terraplasma, PEM Motion, yuri und EurA.
Die Veranstaltung wird durch Herrn Dr. Walther Pelzer (Mitglied des Vorstands des DLR, Generaldirektor Deutsche Raumfahrtagentur im DLR) eröffnet werden, gefolgt von Reden aus den INNOspace Netzwerken:
• Dr. Hermann Meyer, Vizepräsident, Smart City Solutions, Continental Automotive GmbH
• Dr. Thomas Schilling, Managing Director & Global Head of Platform Engineering, xarvio / BASF Digital Farming GmbH
• Prof. Dr. Ralf Kindervater, Geschäftsführer der BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Die weiteren Programmpunkte werden zeitnah per E-Mail und auf der Website der Konferenz bekannt gegeben werden.
Latest innovations & classics
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If you need a special technology or components or a technical service, then you are on the right place! Buy directly from the manufacturer.
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# tol # schön # frech

# flower # iron

Unter Technologietransfer wird der Transfer von Know-how und Technologien bezeichnet. Technologien umfassen die unterschiedlichsten Technologiebereiche, wie z.B. Materialien & Verfahren, Automation & Robotik, Sensoren & Messtechniken, Mechanische Komponenten, Biowissenschaft, Medizin & Pharmazie, Kommunikation, Elektronik & Optoelektronik sowie Energie. Hierzu gehören zudem die Bereiche Computer Hard- und Software mit VR, AR, KI, Test und Simulation sowie der Dienstleistungsbereich.
Vorteile eines Technologietransf…