Florian Schirg
Business Unit LeiterDiplom-Betriebswirt (Dipl.-Betriebsw.)
Derzeitiger Arbeitgeber:
accent Inkubator GmbH
accelerating ideas. accent is the high-tech business incubator in the region of Lower Austria. It is also the local incubation partner of the ESA BIC Austria facilitating tech-transfer to and from the space industry. It supports academic spinoffs and innovative startups at an early stage in launching successful, knowledge-intense companies. In doing so, accent is open to members of all scientific disciplines and economic sectors, contributing to technology transfer and the exploitation of research results through spin-offs in line with universities‘ third mission. accent offers founders tailored coaching services and access to a wide network that helps to grow their business ideas. This network contains national and international financing companies, R&D institutions, industry, investors and policy makers. For greater societal impact, accent supports the transfer of CERN technologies into SME and startups. With its own CPI-programme (the creative pre-incubator) accent also offers a specialized early-stage support to students of universities of applied sciences.
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accelerating ideas. accent is the high-tech business incubator in the region of Lower Austria. It is also the local incubation partner of the ESA BIC Austria facilitating tech-transfer to and from the space industry. It supports academic spinoffs and innovative startups at an early stage in launching successful, knowledge-intense companies. In doing so, accent is open to members of all scientific disciplines and economic sectors, contributing to technology transfer and the exploitation of research results through spin-offs in line with universities‘ third mission. accent offers founders tailored coaching services and access to a wide network that helps to grow their business ideas. This network contains national and international financing companies, R&D institutions, industry, investors and policy makers. For greater societal impact, accent supports the transfer of CERN technologies into SME and startups. With its own CPI-programme (the creative pre-incubator) accent also offers a specialized early-stage support to students of universities of applied sciences.
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